Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I'm trying to get better, but there's always something causing me to be sad. There's always something that is able to break through the wall and bring me down. I don't get it. I want to be happy, more than anything, but I'm being my own worst enemy right now. I get so nervous and so anxious about everything. I get so mad about everything. I get so damn sad about everything. The things people say, I just want to shake them and open them up to the world I live in, think in, feel in. Nobody gets it. They act like they do, they may even try to, but they don't. Nobody is as grateful as they say. They all want money, new things, better people. They want all of this and all I want is to be happy. Just a day of pure joy. No money, things, or people necessarily needed. I want the old me back. The one before the anxiety, anger, and depression. I just want my life back. Please.


Please stop!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I'm not even going to act like that didn't hurt my feelings. You said things could be this way and now you're saying otherwise. It hurt.