Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Things affect me more than you could ever imagine.

Thanks for reassuring me that I can't ever talk to you. About anything. Thank you.

If I keep biting my tongue,

I may just bleed to death.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Going to bed is always the worst part of my day.

My brain never wants to shut off.

My new outlook.

I'm done being sad or upset over stupid things. Life's too short to be anything but happy. Life is good and I'm going to finally start living.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm fucking done.

Iight bitch, lata.


Way to make an ass out of yourself.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

If you were a "friend"

You would respect me.
You would help me out once in a while.
You would help me in my pursuit of happiness, as I help you.
You would actually care for me.
You would ask me 'whats wrong?' and actually try to help me, and not just want to know why.
You would help me with work, instead of making me do it all and you get all the credit.
You would actually show me that I'm your best friend instead of just saying it.
You would say nice things about me when I'm not there, instead of bashing me for my decisions.

You would be there for me.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thanks for the concern.

I sure love knowing that you care.

I feel like nobody cares.

I'm going to stop being an inconvienience to them.

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's just

When your illusion of things gets shattered, you become this depressed being. Everything sucks to you and nothing feels good anymore. You kind of just lose faith in people and you start to question yourself. It just makes me feel like shit.

Epiphany # 1

I'm a pessimist. This isn't the epiphany that just happened to me, but I am a pessimist. But what I just realized is that I'm a grateful pessimist. A realist pessimist, maybe. I'm not sure.
For instance, I do see things in a negative light. Well, not really the negative, but for what they are, and in all honesty, I don't think things are all that great. But I see the glass half-empty. But the contents that fill up half of this glass, well, I am thankful for them. I don't believe this puts me in the category as an optimist, but I do believe it puts me above being a pessimist, in a way. I look at the downside of things, but appreciate that my glass is at least half-full.

Maybe you think I'm an optimist. Or maybe this doesn't make sense to you. Or maybe you just think I'm crazy. Whatever.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Things are better.

I've gotten forgiveness and I couldn't be happier :)